Recently i had bought data cable for transfer files from pc to android and android to pc but after sometimes my cable stopped working even that was an original Sony Data cable and i got into a big trouble because wanted to transfer some imp files ,then i search on Google something for the software to transfer files and i found WIFI TRANSFER PRO,with this software you can transfer files from your phone to pc and pc to phone without any problem and Transfer rate will be same as data cable.....so if you have a wifi in your pc and android phone then this software will be so much useful for you.
Download Link:
WIFI Transfer Pro Apk Download
Install apk file and open it
Connect your phone to wifi and open wifi transfer pro
Tap on start and you will get an IP address with http protocol,now you have to do is just write that ip address in your pc/laptop's browser and you will be able to see your whole sdcard in your browser.